
Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday Funday!

Let me get this out, I am horrible at taking "staged" pictures. I feel like my poses look too "posed" and I look downright goofy. Hopefully as I progress with this blog my poses look better. But as of right now let me revisit my weekend through these few pictures. 

I had such a great day Sunday, it was a day filled with church, food, fun and friends. What better way to start your week?

So about my hair in this post, ehh this is how my hair looks when I do nothing to it. I recently took out a sew-in a couple of days ago. I decided when I took out my corn rows I liked the curl pattern so I let my hair stay in the "after sew-in" phase. Honestly, while it may look nice that's probably not the best thing to do with my hair. Especially when you consider I may have a lot of shedding hair piling up. We shall see how much shedding I have when I wash my hair. I believe that'll make for an interesting post. Lol

                                                                          Close up
I love my stance
Wanted to get a little hair twirl action. Lol

Thanks for reading! -Krystal 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hair Inspiration Sunday!

Haven't done this in a minute but I look forward to expanding this feature with my blog in the next couple of months. But in the meantime let's admire someone who've I've looked up too for a VERY long time. Ms. Erykah Badu!

While I won't speak for ALL naturals, I can say I speak for most naturals when Erykah Badu is a hair inspiration. One of the things that I love most about Ms. Badu's hair is her ability to transform her look, she doesn't stick with a Big Fro all the time, sometimes she's rocking a short fro, maybe some braids and heck for the next couple of months it's a turban. EB shows us that it's okay to change up your look and okay to be natural, even if your hair isn't super long. This is why I choose Erykah as my inspiration on this lovely Sunday. Shine on Ms. Badu, shine on.

I searched high and low for this magazine cover. I was so glad when I finally laid my hands on it. Lol 

Blond fro with the hat. Love it. 

 Buns are a staple in the natural hair world. Badu gets it right. 
The fact that she's not afraid to experiment and chop her hair off is admiral. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Making the Best out of a Fail: Flat Twist Edition

Don't you just hate when a hairstyle you had so much hope for turns out to be complete utter crap? Well that happens to me ALL the time. Since most blogs and vlogs only document the triumphs of hairstyles I feel that it's only right that I expose fails. Lol. Because we know it's not realistic to have a winning hairstyle all the time. SO let's hop to it.

Pinterest is my go to when I need hair inspiration, it's a really great tool to get ideas. View my board while you're at it (Not-so-shameless plug) Lol. So one hairstyle I see ALL the time on Pinterest is this one
A flat twist out done by the beautiful Ms.Rokia, follow her on IG @MsRokia.But yes I see this hair style ALL the time so I was like, "Gee Krystal, I bet you can get your hair to turn out like that. Now keep in mind I haven't done flat twist since I was transitioning so I knew I was up for the challenge.

Now unfortunately I don't have any picture of my hair while or after I washed it, only the results. I'll be sure to document it better next time.

Here are all the products I used on my hair. To set my hair I used the Blue Magic Organic Castor Oil. Yes, technically it is grease, however it leaves my hair feeling amazing and it defines pretty well. I see a review on that in the future. 
It took me darn near an hour to set my hair. I was too excited when it was over. Oh, hey Audrey! Lol

Side View.
Back View. 

 Annddd these were the results. Smh 
I tried to smile about it. 
 The side view is what killed it for me. It was as "together" as I would have liked it to be. 
Yeah...I'm pretty much over it right now. NEXT!
 Headband+Puff Combo to the rescue. Lol
 I was still pretty upset. I put in all that hard work just to wear a dang puff. Smh 
But by the second day I embraced it. :) 

Yeah so that's my hairstyle fail for you. It's pretty upsetting when a hairstyle doesn't turn out the way you want it to but sometimes you just got to learn how to finesse it and move on. 

This was tried on my hair last year around February. I know by now my hair has gotten longer and I probably can nail the hairstyle next time. So fingers crossed that I will get closer to it becoming a duplicate next time. 

Until next time! 


Sunday, June 15, 2014

I'm baacccckkkk!

Ugh the process of keeping up a blog is hard. Especially if you lack motivation. Well over the past few months, and well even the past year I've gotten so many compliments on my blog. Also the views don't lie either. Lol. I'd like to thank everyone who has viewed and found advice on this blog to be more than helpful to you and your hair journey.
In the next few months I'd like to see myself expand from just hair talk to: beauty talk , food talk, fashion and fitness talk. But we shall see how that goes. As of right now I'm just happy to be back and better than ever! Thanks for the support guys. And now...time for a fro shot. Lol